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Share,moved,gain and accompany 'Mid-year's meeting of Listen vision in 2016 complete successfully

Article Source: Upload time:2016-08-31 Hits:

In order to help staffs be more healthier and to develop the spirit of teamwork, Listen Vision held a basketball game during meeting days and provided the basketball clothes for each player. The match compared tactical and strength between each team. It’s fully shown sense of group honor and the spirit of solidarity and cooperation. There one climax after another between teams for steady shot and sometimes a three-point shot. So many excited match points in the whole game made the match particularly wonderful. In the first half part, the eagle team took the lead by skillful dribbling and perfect teamwork, but the cheetah team strove to win during the whole game. They never gave up till the end even though lost the game by one point. The final score locked at 30:31, and the eagle team won the game with 1 point advantage.

Listen Vision also held team outdoor training to improve Listen Vision’s management level effectively, and enhance cohesion.  It was good time for Listen Vision families to join the outdoor training in summer. All the families went to a island Sanshan in Tai Lake to challenge scorching weather and running race. It enhanced cohesion of organization and trained team spirit of cooperation and supported each other. It also build the reliable relationship and form positive atmosphere. Everyone spoke freely and talked about life and work and others listen to others carefully. Wished families do better in work and fly high together with Listen.

There a bonfire party special organized for birthday persons after outdoor training in the evening. A special birthday cake appeared with beautiful melody and lights shining at the same time. Everyone singing, dancing and laughing after birthday persons made their wishes. That was a simple celebration from Listen to thank you for everyone’s hard work. Happy time flies and end of meeting comes soon. Listen family step on the journey and looking forward to meet again.